Sona is a
powerful support aura based champion. She is an incredible laning
partner with strong early game damage output. She has the ability to
heal allies, increase their damage and movement speed, making her team a
very powerful pushing power.
This Sona guide aims to be a basic and simple introduction on basic strategy that should be adopted when playing Sona, it is recommended for people just starting to use Sona.
This Sona guide aims to be a basic and simple introduction on basic strategy that should be adopted when playing Sona, it is recommended for people just starting to use Sona.
Power Chord (Passive): Sona's passive Power Chord gives her great early game harassment capabilities and correctly using the bonus effect is the key to Sona's true power. Sona's passive also provides another element of strategy to her gameplay.
Hymn of Valor: Sona's main aura and damage ability, this is also very powerful early game for harassment especially when combined with her passive and the bonus effect. This should be the aura you are constantly activating.
Aria of Perseverance Sona's second best ability, it is important to note that it is not a massive heal amount, but is more of a consistent heal, making it great for healing up any pokes from the enemy. You should constantly swap between this skill and Hymn of Valor. The Power Chord benefit of this spell is best against the enemies main damage dealer.
Song of Celerity Sona's last aura grants a speed boost to champions and is more of a situational aura than the others as it is limited to two main uses: running away from enemies and chasing down enemies, the passive power chord benefit assists in this very well.
Crescendo (Ultimate): Sona's ultimate is good both offensively and defensively, as it provides enough time for allies to get away or enough time for them to damage the enemy significantly. You should always aim to trap several people in it.
Ability Order
Ult > Hymn of Valor > Aria of Perseverance > Song of Celerity
Hymn of Valor is maxed first to capitalise on Sona's powerful early game, hopefully getting her and her lane partner several kills. Heal is maxed second as it is Sona's main support skill and needs to be boosted around mid game when the team is in pushing mode. Celerity is maxed last as it is more situational and not used all of the time unlike her other two aura skills. Alternatively if your lane needs extra healing, you will want to max your heal first followed by Hymn of Valor.
Yellow (Seals) - Mana Regeneration
Blue (Glyphs) - Cooldown Reduction
Purple (Quintessences) - Flat Health
Sona uses a standard support rune page setup. Magic penetration on Marks give her extra damage early and mana regeneration on Seals keep her mana levels at a resonable level. Cooldown reduction Glyphs allow Sona to switch auras alittle bit faster (when combined with masteries) and lastly flat health on Quintessences gives a decent pool of starting health to counter the extra harassment she will attract.
Summoner Spells
Best Summoner Spells:
Flash and Clairvoyance are two perfect summoner spells for Sona, Clairvoyance adds to her support abilities and is a great inclusion on any team.Flash provides Sona with a strong escape mechanism from potential ganks.
Other Good Summoner Spells:
Ghost is another option that Sona can run as an escape based summoner.
Flash and Clairvoyance are two perfect summoner spells for Sona, Clairvoyance adds to her support abilities and is a great inclusion on any team.Flash provides Sona with a strong escape mechanism from potential ganks.
Other Good Summoner Spells:
Ghost is another option that Sona can run as an escape based summoner.
Move down the offensive tree to grab some ability power, cooldown reduction and spell penetration.
The utility tree offers mana regeneration, increased gold, movement speed, cooldown reduction and improved flash and clairvoyance.
Item Build
Final Item Build:
-Ionian Boots of Lucidity
-Banshee's Veil
-Aegis of the Legion
-Soul Shroud
-Will Of The Ancients
-Stark's Fervor
-Your starting item should be a Doran's Ring, giving you some great health, mana regeneration and ability power.
-First trip back you want to build your boots Ionian Boots of Lucidity are preferred or Mercury's Treads if the enemy is crowd control heavy.
-From here you want to build Philosopher's Stone and a Heart of Gold, giving you some solid stats, while also improving your gold income.
-Your final core item is Aegis of the Legion giving your team a defensive/offensive boost.
-Often anything past your core is a bonus on Sona as you should primarily be warding for your team. Choosing aura based items that suit your team are your best bet, such as Will of the Ancients, Soul Shroud and Stark's Fervor.
-For a defensive option you can't look past a Banshee's Veil.
-Abyssal Scepter (Great if you have a caster based team).
-Frozen Heart (If the enemy is highly physical, this aura can help your team).
-Rabadon's Deathcap (If you need stronger heals).
General Sona Tips
- Early game you can focus on damaging and harassing enemies. Then you slowly make the transition into full support as the game continues.
- This build is highly aura focused, you should stick with your team at all times to ensure they receive full benefits.
- Be sure to spam Clairvoyance, it has extremely low cooldown. If the enemy has a jungler, concentrate it on their jungle.
- If your team requires wards, you should fulfill the warding role for your team.
- Blue buff is nice on Sona, but you should be a last priority.
- Try and track your previously cast spell so you are aware of what benefit your passive will provide.
Level 1-6 (Early Game)
- Don't spam your skills, they have hefty mana costs early. Concentrate on slowly switching between your Q and W ability. While mainly using the bonus passive effect relating to Hymn of Valor (Q).
- Track your passive and always use it to target a champion, for a chunk of damage (bonus effect relating to Hymn of Valor).
- Assess how the lane is going and decide which skill to max first, also consider if a mana manipulator will benefit your partner.
Level 7-12 (Mid Game)
- You can still deal some damage but it should not be your main focus. Use your passive against champions less often as it is dangerous at this stage of the game.
- Start playing more defensively and stick to the back of your team, you are slowly transitioning into support.
- Your ultimate should be used in team fights when the opportunity to catch maximum enemies arises. This may either an offensive or defensive reason.
Level 13-18 (Late Game)
- Focus on pushing with your team, Sona's auras turn your team into a massive pushing force with her healing, increased damage and movement speed capabilities.
- Don't forget to use Clairvoyance, it is great to check Baron and track down any enemies that linger by themselves.
- Always be right at the back of your team, your abilities and the auras on your items have good range.
General Sona Tips
- Early game you can focus on damaging and harassing enemies. Then you slowly make the transition into full support as the game continues.
- This build is highly aura focused, you should stick with your team at all times to ensure they receive full benefits.
- Be sure to spam Clairvoyance, it has extremely low cooldown. If the enemy has a jungler, concentrate it on their jungle.
- If your team requires wards, you should fulfill the warding role for your team.
- Blue buff is nice on Sona, but you should be a last priority.
- Try and track your previously cast spell so you are aware of what benefit your passive will provide.
Level 1-6 (Early Game)
- Don't spam your skills, they have hefty mana costs early. Concentrate on slowly switching between your Q and W ability. While mainly using the bonus passive effect relating to Hymn of Valor (Q).
- Track your passive and always use it to target a champion, for a chunk of damage (bonus effect relating to Hymn of Valor).
- Assess how the lane is going and decide which skill to max first, also consider if a mana manipulator will benefit your partner.
Level 7-12 (Mid Game)
- You can still deal some damage but it should not be your main focus. Use your passive against champions less often as it is dangerous at this stage of the game.
- Start playing more defensively and stick to the back of your team, you are slowly transitioning into support.
- Your ultimate should be used in team fights when the opportunity to catch maximum enemies arises. This may either an offensive or defensive reason.
Level 13-18 (Late Game)
- Focus on pushing with your team, Sona's auras turn your team into a massive pushing force with her healing, increased damage and movement speed capabilities.
- Don't forget to use Clairvoyance, it is great to check Baron and track down any enemies that linger by themselves.
- Always be right at the back of your team, your abilities and the auras on your items have good range.