Fizz Patch up now!
- Crimson Akali - 520 RP
- Stinger Akali - 520 RP
- All Star Akali - 975 RP (Limited Edition 6/28/10-10/31/10)
- Nurse Akali - 975 RP
- Blood Moon Akali - 975 RP
- Black Minotaur - (Limited Edition - Only for digital pre-orders)
- Golden Bull Alistar - 390 RP
- Matador Alistar - 975 RP
- Cowboy Alistar - 520 RP
- Unchained Alistar - Free for subscribing to the Riot Games youtube channel
- Pharaoh Amumu - 520 RP
- Vancouver Amumu - (Limited Edition 2010 2/12-3/2)
- Emumu - 975 RP
- Regifted Amumu - 520 RP (Limited Edition Snowdown 10-11)
- Almost Prom King Amumu - 520 RP
- Little Knight Amumu - 975 RP
- Goth Annie - Purchase Digital Collector's Edition
- Red Riding Annie - 520 RP
- Annie in Wonderland - 1820 RP
- Prom Queen Annie - 975 RP
- FrostFire Annie - 975 RP
- Reverse Annie - 975 RP
- FrankenTibbers Annie - 975 RP (Harrowing '11)
- Team Spirit Anivia - (Limited Edition 2010 2/12-3/2)
- Bird of Prey Anivia - 520 RP
- Noxus Hunter - 520 RP
- Hextech Anivia - 975 RP
- Freljord Bowmaster - 520 RP
- Sherwood Ashe - 520 RP
- Woad Ashe - 975 RP
- Queen Ashe - 975 RP
- Amethyst Ashe - 975 RP
- Rusty Steam Golem - (Limited Edition) - Discontinued 1/17/10)
- Goalkeeper Blitzcrank - 520 RP(Limited Edition 6/24/10-10/31/10)
- Boom Boom Blitzcrank - 975 RP
- Piltover Customs Blitzcrank - 1820 RP
- Definitely Not Blitzcrank - 520 RP (Harrowing '11)
- Apocalyptic Brand - 975 RP
- Vandal Brand - 520 RP
- Cryocore Brand - 975 RP
- Sheriff Caitlyn - 520 RP
- Resistance Caitlyn - 975 RP
- Safari Caitlyn - 975 RP
- Arctic Warfare Caitlyn - Currently available through PC Gamer promo, will be in the store later
- Officer Caitlyn - 975 RP
- Desperada Cassiopeia - 975 RP
- Siren Cassiopeia - 975 RP
- Nightmare Cho'Gath - 520 RP (also free through Alienware partnership, limited offer)
- Gentleman Cho'gath - 1820 RP (also includes new sound files)
- Loch Ness Cho'gath - 975 RP
- Jurassic Cho'gath - 975 RP
- UFO Corki - Free for accounts created before 1/14/10
- Ice Toboggan Corki - (Limited Edition 2010 2/12-3/2)
- Red Baron Corki - 1820 RP
- Hot Rod Corki - 520 RP
- Urf Rider Corki - 975 RP
- Toxic Dr. Mundo - 520 RP
- Mr. Mundoverse - 520 RP
- Corporate Mundo - 1820 RP (link goes to video with in game video and the new voice work)
- Mundo Mundo - 975 RP (Limited Edition - Harrowing '10)
- Executioner Mundo - 975 RP
- Shadow Evelynn - 520 RP
- Masquerade Evelynn - 520 RP
- Tango Eveylynn - 975 RP
- Nottingham Ezreal - 520 RP
- Striker Ezreal - 520 RP (Limited Edition 6/24/10-10/31/10)
- Frosted Ezreal - 520 RP
- Explorer Ezreal - 975 RP
- Pulsefire Ezreal - Unreleased
- Spectral (Ghost) Fiddlesticks - 520 RP
- Union Jack Fiddlesticks - (Limited Edition 2010 2/12-3/2)
- Bandito Fiddlesticks - 975 RP
- Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks - 520 RP (Limited Edition - Harrowing '10)
- Fiddle me Timbers - 975 RP
- Surprise Party Fiddlesticks - 975 RP (Legendary but priced at 975 for 2nd Birthday Celebration!)
- Atlantean Fizz - 975 RP
- Tundra Fizz - 975 RP
- Hextech Galio - 975 RP
- Enchanted Galio - 520 RP
- Commando Galio - 975 RP
- Spooky (Ghost) Gangplank - 520 RP
- Minuteman Gangplank - 520 RP
- Sailor Gangplank - 975 RP (courtesy djcrazyb)
- Sanguine Garen - 520 RP
- Desert Garen - 520 RP
- Commando Garen - 975 RP
- Dreadknight Garen - 975 RP
- Rugged Garen - 975 RP
- Scuba Gragas - 975 RP
- Hillbilly Gragas - 520 RP
- Santa Gragas - 975 RP (Limited Edition Snowdown 10-11)
- Gragas, Esq - 975 RP
- Jailbreak Graves - 975 RP
- Hired Gun Graves - 520 RP
- Alien Invader Heimerdinger - 1820 RP
- Blast Zone Heimerdinger - 520 RP
- Piltover Customs Heimerdinger - 975 RP
- Aviator Irelia - 975 RP
- Nightblade Irelia - 520 RP
- Infiltrator Irelia - 975 RP
- Tempest Janna - 520 RP ( old version for comparison )
- HexTech Janna - 975 RP
- Commando Jarvan - 520 RP
- Dragonslayer Jarvan - 975 RP
- Darkforge Jarvan - 975 RP
- Victorious Jarvan - Reach Gold or higher status in Ranked by the end of Season 1
- Angler Jax - 975 RP
- The Mighty Jax - (Limited Edition 2010 2/12-3/2)
- Vandal Jax - 520 RP
- Pax Jax - (Limited Edition) - Pax '10 or Pax East '11 attendance.)
- Jaximus - 975 RP
- Temple Jax - 975 RP
- Sakura Karma - 520 RP
- Sun Goddess Karma - 975 RP
- Phantom Lich - 460 RP
- Statue of Karthus - 520 RP
- Grim Reaper Karthus - 975 RP
- Pentakill Karthus - 975 RP
- Festival Kassadin - (Limited Edition 2010 2/12-3/2)
- Deep One Kassadin - 520 RP
- Pre-void Kassadin - 975 RP
- Harbinger Kassadin - 975 RP
- Mercenary Katarina - 520 RP
- Red Card Katarina - 975 RP (Limited Edition 6/28/10-10/31/10)
- Bilgewater Katarina - 975 RP
- Kitty Cat Kat - 975 RP (Limited Edition) - Harrowing '10)
- High Command Katarina - 975 RP
- Silver Judicator - Purchase Collector's Edition Box from a retail store
- Viridian Kayle - 520 RP
- Unmasked Kayle - 975 RP
- Battle Born Kayle - 975 RP
- Judgement Kayle - Play 10 matchmade games during Season 1
- Deadly Kennen - 520 Riot Points
- Swamp Master Kennen - 520 Riot Points
- Karate Kennen - 520 Riot Points
- Kennen M.D - 975 Riot Points
- Caterpillar Kog'maw - 520 Riot Points
- Sonoran Kog'maw - 520 Riot Points
- Monarch Kog'maw - 975 Riot Points
- Reindeer Kog'maw - 975 RP (Limited Edition Snowdown 10-11) Sings!
- Lion Dance Kog'maw - 1820 RP (Shoots fireworks)
- Deep Sea Kog'maw - 975 RP
- Prestigious LeBlanc - 520 Riot Points
- Wicked LeBlanc - 975 Riot Points
- Traditional Lee Sin - 520 Riot Points
- Acolyte Lee Sin - 975 Riot Points
- Defender Leona - 975 RP
- Valkyrie Leona - 520 RP
- Sorceress Lux - 520 Riot Points
- Spell Thief Lux - 975 Riot Points (Courtesy Delycious)
- Commando Lux - 975 RP
- Totemic Maokai - 520 RP
- Charred Maokai - 975 Riot Points
- Shadow Prince Malzahar - 520 Riot Points
- Vizier Malzahar - 520 Riot Points
- Djinn Malzahar - 975 RP
- Overlord Malzahar - 975 RP
- Shamrock Malphite - 520 Riot Points
- Coral Reef Malphite - 975 Riot Points
- Marble Malphite - 520 RP
- Obsidian Malphite - 975 RP
- Assassin Master Yi - 390 Riot Points
- Chosen Master Yi - 520 Riot Points
- Ionia Master Yi - 975 Riot points
- Samurai Master Yi - 975 RP
- Waterloo Miss Fortune - 520 Riot Points
- Cowgirl Miss Fortune - 975 Riot Points
- Secret Agent Miss Fortune - 975 Riot Points
- Candy Cane Miss Fortune - 975 RP (Limited Edition Snowdown 10-11)
- Road Warrior Miss Fortune - 520 RP
- Mafia Miss Fortune - 975 Riot Points
- Infernal Mordekaiser - 520 Riot Points
- Dragon Knight Mordekaiser - 520 Riot Points
- Pentakill Mordekaiser - 975 Riot Points
- Lord Mordekaiser - 975 RP
- Exiled Morgana - 975 Riot Points
- Sinful Succulence Morgana - 975 Riot Points
- Blade Mistress Morgana - 975 Riot Points
- Galactic Nasus - 520 Riot Points
- Pharaoh Nasus - 975 Riot Points
- Dreadknight Nasus - 975 Riot Points
- K-9 Riot Nasus - Meet Rioters in person or 975 RP during select events
- Snow Bunny Nidalee - (Limited Edition 12/16/09 - 1/6/10)
- Leopard Nidalee - 520 Riot Points
- French Maid Nidalee - 520 Riot Points
- Pharaoh Nidalee - 975 RP
- Witch Nidalee - 975 RP (Harrowing '11)
- Void Nocturne - 520 Riot Points
- Frozen Terror Nocturne - 975 Riot Points
- Ravager Nocturne - 520 RP
- Haunting Nocturne - 520 RP (Harrowing '11)
- Sasquatch Nunu - 520 Riot Points
- Workshop Nunu - (Limited Edition 12/16/09 - 1/6/10)
- Grungy Nunu - 975 Riot Points
- Nunu Bot - 1820 RP - Video preview
- Demolisher Nunu - 975 Riot Points
- Forsaken Olaf - 520 Riot Points
- Glacial Olaf - 520 Riot Points
- Brolaf - 1820 Riot Points - video link
- Goth Orianna - 975 Riot Points
- Sewn Chaos Orianna - 520 Riot Points
- Myrmidon Pantheon - 520 Riot Points
- Ruthless Pantheon - 975 Riot Points
- Perseus Pantheon - 975 Riot Points
- Full Metal Pantheon - 975 RP
- Noxus Poppy - 520 Riot Points
- Blacksmith Poppy - 975 Riot Points (courtesy djcrazyb)
- Lollipoppy - 975 Riot Points (Limited Edition- Harrowing '10)
- Ragdoll Poppy - 975 RP (Limited Edition Snowdown 10-11)
- Battle Regalia Poppy - 975 RP
- King Rammus - (Limited Edition - Closed Beta Testers )
- Chrome Rammus - 975 RP
- Molten Rammus - 975 RP
- Freljord Rammus - 520 RP
- Ninja Rammus - 975 RP
- Galactic Renekton - 520 Riot Points
- Outback Renekton - 975 Riot Points
- Bloodfury Renekton - 975 RP
- Crimson Elite Riven - 975 RP
- Redeemed Riven - 975 RP
- Bilgerat Rumble - 520 Riot Points
- Rumble in the Jungle - 975 Riot Points
- Human Ryze - (Limited Edition- Amazon/Gamestop PreOrder)
- Tribal Ryze - 520 Riot Points
- Uncle Ryze - 975 Riot Points
- Champion Ryze - Win certain LoL Events
- Professor Ryze - 975 Riot Points
- Zombie Ryze - 975 Riot Points (Limited Edition- Harrowing '10)
- Mad Hatter Shaco - 975 Riot Points
- Royal Shaco - 520 Riot Points
- Nutcracko - 975 RP (Limited Edition Snowdown 10-11)
- Workshop Shaco - 975 RP
- Asylum Shaco - 975 RP (other angle of box)
- Yellow Jacket Shen - 520 Points
- Frozen Shen - 520 Riot Points
- Surgeon Shen - 975 RP
- Blood Moon Shen - 975 RP
- Ironscale Shyvana - 975 Riot Points
- Boneclaw Shyvana - 975 Riot Points
- HexTech Singed - 975 Riot Points
- Riot Squad Singed - Free at Special Events or 975 Riot Points During the Special Events only (Retired from store)
- Surfer Singed - 975 Riot Points
- Mad Scientist Singed - 975 RP
- HexTech Sion - 520 Riot Points
- Barbarian Sion - 975 Riot Points
- Lumberjack Sion - 520 Riot Points
- Warmonger Sion - 975 RP
- Warrior Princess Sivir - 520 Riot Points
- Spectacular Sivir - 975 Riot Points
- Huntress Sivir - Direct 2 Drive offer - Also in store as the Gamers Choice bundle
- Bandit Sivir - 975 RP
- PAX Sivir - PAX Prime '11 Goodie Bags
- Sandscourge Skarner - 975 RP
- Earthrune Skarner - 975 RP
- Muse Sona - 975 Riot Points
- Pentakill Sona - 975 Riot Points
- Silent Night Sona - 520 RP (Limited Edition Snowdown 10-11)
- Dryad Soraka - 520 Riot Points
- Divine Soraka - 975 Riot Points
- Bilgewater Swain - 975 Riot Points
- Northern Swain - 975 Riot Points
- Renegade Talon - 520 Riot Points
- Crimson Elite Talon - 975 Riot Points
- Emerald Gemknight - 520 Riot Points
- 5th Age Taric - 975 Riot Points
- Bloodstone Taric - 975 Riot Points
- Happy Elf Teemo - (Limited Edition 12/16/09 - 1/6/10)
- Recon Teemo - 520 Riot Points
- Badger Teemo - 520 Riot Points
- Astronaut Teemo - 1820 Riot Points (fires lasers, lays satellites, low gravity walk, new audio)
- Cottontail Teemo - 975 RP,
- Super Teemo - 975 RP (flies during move quick)
- Riot Girl Tristana - Facebook.
- Earnest Elf Tristana - (Limited Edition 12/31-1/3)
- Firefighter Tristana - 1820 Riot Points
- Guerrilla Tristana - 975 Riot Points
- Buccaneer Tristana - 520 RP
- Lil' Slugger Trundle - 520 Riot Points
- Junkyard Trundle - 975 Riot Points (courtesy bad element)
- Highland Tryndamere - 520 Riot Points
- King Tryndamere - 975 Riot Points
- Viking Tryndamere - Dreamhack Tournament Giveaway or 975 RP
- Demon Blade Tryndamere- 1820 RP - Video Trailer
- PAX TwistedFate - (Limited Edition- PAX 09 attendance)
- Jack of Hearts - 520 Riot Points
- Magnificent Twisted Fate - 1820 Riot Points
- Tango Twisted Fate - 975 Riot Points
- High Noon Twisted Fate - 975 RP
- Kingpin Twitch - 520 Riot Points
- Whistler Village Twitch - (Limited Edition 2010 2/12-3/2)
- Medieval Twitch - 350 friend referrals
- Gangster Twitch - 975 Riot points
- Vandal Twitch - 975 RP
- Black Belt Udyr - 520 Riot Points
- Primal Udyr - 975 Riot Points
- Butcher Urgot - 520 Riot Points
- Giant Enemy Crabgot - 975 Riot Points
- Vindicator Vayne - 975
- Aristocrat Vayne - 520
- DragonSlayer Vayne - 975
- White Mage Veigar - 390 Riot Points
- Curling Veigar - (Limited Edition 2010 2/12-3/2)
- Veigar Greybeard - 975 Riot Points
- Leprechaun Veigar - 520 RP
- Baron von Veigar - 975 RP
- Marquis Vladimir - 975 Riot Points (courtesy Hagelbreaker)
- Count Vladimir - 520 Riot Points (courtesy Yatterman)
- Nosferatu Vladimir - 975 Riot Points (Limited Edition Harrowing '10)
- Vandal Vladimir - 975 RP
- Grey Warwick - 50 Friend Referrals
- Urf the Manatee - (Limited Edition 4/1/10-4/15/10) 5000 RP (was on sale for 99% off the first weekend)
- Big Bad Warwick - 520 Riot Points
- Tundra Hunter Warwick - 520 Riot Points
- Feral Warwick - 975 Riot Points
- Firefang Warwick - 975 Riot Points
- Volcanic Wukong - 975 RP
- General Wukong - 975 RP
- Runeborn Xerath - 975 RP
- Battlecast Xerath - 520 RP
- Commando Zhao - 520 Riot Points
- Imperial Zhao - 520 Riot Points
- Viscero Zhao - 975 Riot Points
- Winged Hussar Zhao - 975 RP, or help bug test the Polish Client
- Undertaker Yorick - 975 RP
- Pentakill Yorick - 975 RP
- Old St. Zilean - (Limited Edition 12/23/09 - 12/27/09)
- Groovy Zilean - 975 Riot Points
- Shurima Desert Zilean - 975 Riot Points
- TimeMachine Zilean - 520 Riot Points